Another protest artwork that struck me at the National Museum of African American History and Culture was the protest of the Attica prison uprising. Along with the other blog post, this piece of social artwork fighting for justice was another memorable encounter where I knew I had to take a photo and write about it.
The protest was to free the inmates that were wrongly accused and to jail those who killed the police officers in the riot. The demands were: "1. Drop the Charges. 2. Indicate the Real Criminals. 3. Implement the 28 demands". Along with this piece of social justice artwork, there were multiple gatherings and support dinners to rally for their freedom and justice.
While I was walking through this extensive museum, it was challenging to be able to recognize every artifact and text panel. But I guarantee that if you ever do visit this magnificent museum, this social artwork would immediately catch your eye. The red and the black contrast glares in your face, with red being an indicator of danger and violence. The colors and the creation of this social justice piece enforce the severity of the situation and call attention to the dangers of what had happened. I feel like this was a very impactful poster, using color relations, perceptions, and design to bring attention to the work. When looking at this work, the words were not the ones that I was called to, but it was the color scheme and layout. This only enforces the theme of "words arent the strongest voice", because I would have most likely glazed past this sign if the color was, per say, white in the background with black contrast. The red calls to urgency, desperation, and anger.