Sculpture, 3 color threads, wire, cut shirt.
This installation sculpture features 3 different types of yarn hung upon wire and upon the walls. Some of the string connects to the shirt through very obviously sloppy knots, giving off the impression of poor-quality work. The threats zigzagging through the large plunge in the center of the chest show the frayed craftsmanship and little care within the sloppily thrown-together string. Pieces of the cut shirt are thrown onto the extending red threats, like traces of the work done following the threats forever, even onto the next shirt to "alter". The makeshift skirt underneath, made with wire and a seemingly crafted mermaid tail bottom, is filled with different knotting patterns and loose string hanging to create the worn shape. Almost all threads have similar patterns. The most commonly seen are 1) the braid, consisting of 6-8 different strings, 2) the loose knot, where multiple strings are tied together with some distance in between to create a thick relaxed knot, and 3), just the simple singular string with the tensions altered. The global issue this represents is the constant ongoing stem of fast fashion. The growing brands of Shein and Temu, contribute to the constant illegal labor that many large companies profit on. Companies like Nike and Zara are not excluded from this either. The growing fray and blood-red string represent the dehumanization of the factory workers, with no way of them ever receiving help. While creating this piece, I couldn't help but feel a little dishearted. Simply by looking at the hopeless structure made me frustraited that there was so little that we could do, especially because consumerism has obstructed many platforms online and have been promoting overconsumption.